mardi 18 mai 2010

Morning Meetings

We use morning meetings in my class every day. It is part of our daily routine.
At the beginning I must admitt that I wasn't a great fan well I thought it was good for the kids because it made them speak French and as I am in 1st grade every occasion to speak french is good to take. But I found it long and a little bit boring for myself.
That's when I decided I was gonna be in charge of the meeting prepare it everyday, find a "salutation", a question, and a game.
And throuhout the year I found new games and the questions were becoming more and more intersting as the kids were able to speak more french.

I think the morning meeting is a good way to start the ay, at the begining of the year it helps the students know their classmates, and gives you an opportunity to speak french but usually in a fun way.

Plus the kids just LOVE to share personnal things!

Here are some quotations from kids.
I asked them what they like and what they did not like in the morning meeting and why:

" I do not like games when you don't do anything"
"I like the morning meeting because we play and say Hi to the others"
"It is fun"
"It helps us speak french"
"To know the others"
"I'd like to speak more when we're sharing."
"I don't like when kids don't listen"
"I don't like to look at the person who speaks cause after, I'm tired"

lundi 25 janvier 2010

Challenge, it makes your life more interesting and gives you the opportunity to evolve.

My student:
He is a little boy of 6 and has been detected with... actually I don't know exactly so I don't want to say something wrong. But in the class there is a person that is here specifically for him. He has a special schedule with breaks during the day and different people he sees.
He talks whenever he wants that is too say when he wnats to say something he HAS to say it and tends to monopolies the conversation. Plus he has a "bossy" attitude he sometimes acts as if HE was the boss of the kids and the adults too. Giving you kind of orders, it is usually very polite but it is still an order which is not appropriate for the teacher. "don't!"; "I am telling you not to do that" or "First warning!".
He rides his own bus, has his own personal aid and I think in a way that it reinforces his idea of being an important person.
It does bother me sometimes because he gets extra attention and takes away times that is due to the other kids; it feels even more unfair when it is teaching time.
Since I was little Justice has been a really important things for me that is why maybe despite the fact that I know he has this problem I sometimes feel it is unfair.

I think the presence of the aid is a good thing it allows the teacher to have more time for the other kids so that she doesn't have to focus all her attention on one student. But it can also be a little bit hard because there is 3 people involved in the education and authority system. I thinks sometimes too you tend to make profit of it choosing not to deal with the kid because there is somebody else here for that.

The things that I find amazing and sad at the same time is the other kids' reaction; they understand it and are really good about it! They don't really pay attention to him anymore that is the sad part. They are horrified when he does something really bad.
Because of all that he ends up having no real interaction with the other kids, they even roll their eyes when he talks, making up stories!!!
It feels like he isn't really part of the class partly because his schedule is slightly different but I think it is more because of his attitude.

I do not let him do whatever he wants just to avoid having to deal with him, I remain firm. I showed him that he couldn't do anything he wanted but at the same time , I try to have a good relationship with him like with the other students, I try to have positive exchanges and make the most of the times when he is as sweet as the others.
I think I have been pretty successful,in general, of course there are days when it is more difficult but the whole picture looks good. He knows when I say something that he cannot do whatever he wants (he still tries a little bit) and actually that is the problem sometimes with subtitute aids he can be really awful with them, it must be hard for them to find the right balance in only one day. And sometimes they just give up and let him do whatever he wants! And that's when it really upset me. I don't see why because he is bad he gets the right to do what he wants like having a break or playing.
But at the same time we have good moments and he likes me so that make me think that I do the right thing I guess...

Other support?
He already has lots of support therefore I don't see anything else he could have. But maybe the fact that the class is in French is even more challenging for him as he has trouble focusing on things and therefore doing the work he is asked to do.